
Top disruptive technologies to watch in 2024

To be honest, the past few years have been extremely difficult for everyone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this reality, we are moving forward into the future.

New advances in technology are still disrupting our lives, often for the best. Keep in mind that while some of them are already in place, they are still rapidly evolving and changing, and the impact of these advances will continue to grow.

Examples of disruptive technologies

New technologies are being developed all the time, but not all of them are disruptive. To be considered disruptive, technology must meet certain criteria. First, it must be significantly different from existing technologies on the market. Second, you must be able to create new markets or significantly change existing ones. And finally, it must have the potential to displace established technologies or create new market leaders. Examples of disruptive technologies include:

3D printing

We don’t yet have material replicators like those seen in Star Trek, but 3D printing is a good start. With the right equipment, software, and raw materials, you can “print” a variety of objects. This chart shows how the use of 3D printing is increasing and where it is predicted to go in the future.

3D printing

With 3D printing, you can create what you need in-house, and the technology has the potential to disrupt mass manufacturing and goods transportation.

5G and improved connectivity

The fifth generation of mobile connectivity is here, offering blazing speeds and high-quality video streaming. This speed increase provides compatibility with previous versions of the protocol, higher global connectivity, more bandwidth and video capacity, tighter security controls, and more, making remote working a more viable option. Become. As this mobile networking field continues to grow and evolve, countless opportunities will emerge.

Learn about the definitive guide to 5G technology and how it works.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

AI is already a huge part of our lives, but it has yet to reach its full potential in terms of functionality and ubiquity. Artificial intelligence is making significant inroads into the customer service industry, but it still has a long way to go.

Artificial intelligence helps companies understand the changing nature of human habits and behavior and more accurately predict what products will be popular next. Developments in AI will result in more sophisticated algorithms, allowing marketers to adapt to new markets and trends.

Thanks to these benefits, AI is a technology field that has the potential to explode into a multi-trillion dollar industry.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will significantly contribute to automation and robotics, enabling:

Automation and robotics

We’ve seen the rise of drones, self-driving trucks, and robots in manufacturing, and this is just the beginning. Gigabytes of text have already been written about how robotics will become a disruptive force in the workforce, replacing humans with cheaper and more reliable machines. It’s easy to find dire predictions that machine takeover will result in mass unemployment. According to this article, more than 120 million workers worldwide will need to be retrained in the next few years due to robots and AI.

There will definitely be a decline in the workforce, but the picture is not as bleak as the prophets of doom would have us believe. After all, more robots and automated systems mean more experts to program and maintain them. These types of jobs pay better than simple assembly line grunt work.

Modern society and its unique demands during the coronavirus pandemic demonstrate the potential utility of robots in managing care, especially in assisted living settings for the elderly. Robots cannot get sick or spread infections, reducing risk for both caregivers and patients. Drones can handle contactless deliveries of essential supplies such as medicines.

Advances in Cybersecurity

Criminals carry out shady activities wherever people gather, and since everyone is online these days, you have to fight against cybercriminals. To make matters worse, cybercriminals are exploiting the coronavirus crisis for their own purposes.

Fortunately, advances in cybersecurity are being made to combat these threats. Advances in AI and machine learning are helping cybersecurity experts design better firewalls and intrusion detection tools.

That’s not a bad thing, because it’s cybercriminals who will feel the impact of this disruptive technology advancement.

edge computing

In the days of mainframes, huge computers were connected to “dumb” terminals. Eventually, this changed to a client/server model. Now we have the cloud. As we moved from model to model, new models emerged.

Edge computing is already one of the most disruptive technologies in the IT field. At a basic level, it’s an automated way to get closer to the cloud-like computing power you need while improving latency issues. Rather than eliminating the cloud, we make it more accessible.

Edge computing reduces latency, improves security, and increases bandwidth. As edge computing becomes more prevalent, it will either continue to disrupt the big cloud providers or shift control to companies that are adept at implementing edge computing.

virtual reality and augmented reality

When a user is placed in a computer-generated environment, it becomes virtual reality (VR). When a user puts on a headset or glasses and a computer-generated image is projected into their field of vision, it becomes augmented reality (AR). Together, these constitute the field of augmented reality (XR).

Sectors such as healthcare and education will greatly benefit from VR and AR. Medical diagnosis and tests can be performed in VR. Overcrowded classrooms and situations where children have to learn from home (again with coronavirus) can benefit from XR solutions without risking infection from a global pandemic. , ensuring that all students receive the education they need.

XR techniques have the potential to revolutionize (or disrupt) currently established means of medical practice and education.

headless technology

No, this has nothing to do with decapitation. It describes a technology that allows companies to separate their front-end user interface from their back-end e-commerce data solutions. When you ask Amazon Alexa to buy Stephen King’s latest novel and ship it to you, you’re using headless technology.

With 86% of business leaders surveyed reporting that customer acquisition costs are increasingly rising, the world of e-commerce is demanding more innovative and cost-effective ways to attract and retain new users. You need an efficient solution. Headless technology is potentially transformative, offering potential customers a more engaging and less time-consuming shopping experience.

If this trend continues, companies will have to hurry and adopt headless technology or they will be left behind and change the entire e-commerce model. Could headless technology make traditional e-commerce purchasing methods obsolete?

The Rise of “As-a-Service” Computing

This computing model has been around for some time. Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). These cloud-based on-demand platforms have revolutionized the IT world. For example, why buy a physical copy of a video game or word processing utility when you can access it via a cloud subscription? Or how about Zoom, which has skyrocketed in popularity around the world thanks to the pandemic?

Providers of scalable cloud-based solutions have recently increased in popularity, making cloud solutions an attractive option due to cost, convenience, and reliability. As more “as a service” options become available in more industries, people and organizations will abandon older computing methods in favor of this much better delivery system.

Work from home revolution

It’s funny how a global pandemic has completely turned our lives upside down and affected innovation and development. This is not surprising since wars have spurred amazing technological advances and we are definitely at war with this deadly epidemic.

Companies looking to continue operating during this difficult time are setting up infrastructure to improve their work-from-home capabilities. Advances in related technology, some of which we have already discussed, have made working from home a viable and efficient option.

And it doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” proposition. A company can let an employee work mostly from home, while having him work in the office one or two days a week.

Having a company’s employees work from home reduces a company’s infrastructure costs, making it a flexible and cost-effective strategy. The ongoing COVID-19 situation shows how easy it is to work from home. Will more companies adopt this as a cost-saving measure once the pandemic is over? Is the modern office space as we know it coming to an end?

Voice activated search

Will we see the end of users sitting down in front of their laptops or mobile phones and trying to type a search on Google? More users are using voice search and asking their mobile phones where is the nearest pizza place? , or asking where to find deals on novelty face masks.

As more people perform these voice searches from their cars, jogging trails, local cafes, etc., digital marketers will need to rethink their approach to improving search engine optimization (SEO). Marketers will find that they need to rely more on long-tail keywords rather than just extracting a few keywords.

There are many interesting days ahead for digital marketers.

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