
Layer 1 blockchain Somnia is launched, increasing scalability and speed across the metaverse

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virtual society foundationor VSF, an independent organization working on developing the next iteration of the Metaverse. Somnia project, a set of EVM-based L1 platforms and omnichain protocols. Somnia is a metaverse-based platform that enables the development and design of open, interoperable metaverses that allow users to move seamlessly between different experiences.

Simply put, the launch of Somnia will allow users to enjoy a variety of experiences in the virtual world, connecting millions of Metaverse enthusiasts into a single Metaverse. This opens up endless possibilities in today’s siled Metaverse platforms and provides builders with a platform to create portable, remixable content.

Speaking about Somnia’s launch, founder Paul Thomas called it a “game changer for blockchain technology” and a “huge step into the metaverse.”

“Most blockchains are great for finance, and we’ve seen great innovation in DeFi, but scaling limitations are preventing more social and creative ventures from taking off,” Thomas said. further explained. “We hope that the protocols we release will also enable the vision of a connected and composable metaverse, bringing new communities of collaboration across the space.”

Impact on the Metaverse: Faster speeds and higher scalability

One of the biggest drawbacks to the growth of the Metaverse is the lack of scalable and fast blockchain platforms. Additionally, the metaverse space is fragmented, making it difficult for users and content creators to collaborate. As such, value is concentrated across metaverse holders rather than builders.

Somnia aims to solve these problems, delivering a blockchain that can support millions of transactions per second with the speed and affordability needed to build global virtual communities. The platform is tailored for the Metaverse. Through private prototype testing, Somnia recorded hundreds of thousands of transactions per second with her sub-second finality. The platform is designed to be interoperable, allowing builders to develop worlds and experiences, and making it easy for assets, commerce, and avatars to move between different experiences.

Nevertheless, the protocol built on top of Somnia will enable existing NFT collections to be rendered as interoperable 3D objects. These 3D objects are expected to be compatible with other Metaverse experiences on the network and provide additional value and utility across the Metaverse. This will allow Somnia to grow into one of the largest Metaverse platforms, potentially impacting gaming, NFTs, and the Metaverse sector.

Create a realistic virtual society

Somnia’s main goal is to create a real virtual world where users from all over the world can connect and interact in a “global metaverse”. We’re also launching a new creator economy to encourage builders and creators to share and remix content on the platform. This allows avatars and objects to be sold anywhere on any blockchain, ensuring value is shared among all participants in the ecosystem and everyone has a voice.

In the coming weeks, Somnia will launch the Betanet protocol, which aims to revolutionize gaming, sports, and music in the virtual world. Platforms integrated into MSquared’s Experience Engine originallows thousands of attendees to virtually attend sports, gaming, and music events. Furthermore, through our partnership with avatarn, users can create interoperable avatars and establish their identity within the metaverse. Users can use their avatars to participate in dozens of events available on her Betanet and enjoy an immersive experience.

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