
Dream technology: Gadgets for insomniacs and snorers

All in Your Head A model shows how to use Earable Neuroscience’s FRENZ Brainband, a gadget that uses artificial intelligence to track exciting brain activity, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 7th. —AFP

LAS VEGAS — Technology is killing us, but can we also get it back?

A company aiming to help insomniacs, habitual snorers and nap lovers has unveiled its latest gadgets at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

“We are the world’s first AI-powered sleep tracker and personal sleep stimulator that increases deep sleep and sleep onset time,” said Kimi Doan, Investment Manager at Iable Neuroscience. .

She introduced the recently released “Brainband” for almost $500.

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Designed as a cushioned crown, the band’s gold-plated sensors analyze your brain activity in real time, and the speaker plays music, meditation mantras, or white noise depending on your detected needs.

When a user falls asleep, the AI ​​recognizes content that lulls them to sleep and plays it again if they wake up in the middle of the night.

“Basically, you won’t be disturbed while sleeping.”

Sleep, which is essential to our health, is exacerbated by health problems and the stresses of modern life.

According to the Sleep Foundation, nearly one-third of adults in the United States get less than seven hours of sleep, the recommended minimum to avoid worsening the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

The foundation estimates that U.S. companies lose approximately $136.4 billion annually to workplace fatigue.

Perfection of pink noise

In 2024, Sleeping Beauty is probably scrolling through her phone before going into the night, making quality sleep increasingly difficult.

The technical answer: Thanks to AI, accessories that analyze your sleep and connected mattress intervene to ease your path to dreamland.

Taiwan-based PranaQ will launch TipTraQ, a biometric sensor that is worn on your fingertip at night and linked to a mobile app, in April for $200.

Users can view sleep phase readouts and interact with a specially trained AI chatbot on scientific research.

The company hopes to soon receive medical approval for a device to monitor sleep apnea, which often causes snoring, which two of its co-founders suffer from.

NextSense founder Jonathan Berendt also has medical ambitions for the earphones, which were originally designed to detect and monitor epilepsy.

When it launches within a year for $130, it will initially be used to analyze and improve the quality of your sleep.

“Playing pink noise at a certain level during the slow wave (or deep sleep) period of sleep can actually increase the amplitude of the slow waves, which can prolong deep sleep.”

AI mattress

“There’s a sense that knowing your sleep metrics gives you some control over your sleep, and for many people that may be true,” said Wendy Troxell, a senior behavioral scientist at the Rand Corporation.

“The reality about sleep is that the harder you try, the more often you can’t escape it,” she said, explaining that sleep metrics “can actually cause anxiety.”

Insomniacs can ride the $200 Moonbird to relax. This connected anti-stress ball inflates and deflates to guide breathing techniques that help you fall asleep.

“I was very skeptical,” said Michael Brose, co-founder of the Belgian startup, adding that these exercises help synchronize heart rate with breathing rate, a key component of relaxation. He explained.

Another factor that interferes with sleep is the temperature of your bed.

“We’ve done a lot of market research and asked a lot of people around the world, and the main problem with poor sleep quality is temperature,” says the German company, which has developed heating and cooling strips for mattresses. says Daniela Kooiman of the company Variowell.

Many manufacturers have invested in temperature control systems for different body zones on each side of the bed.

Like the Chinese company DeRucci, AI-inflated mattresses change shape depending on the sleeper’s position and analyze their sleep.

Zhu Huan from DeRucci’s smart sleep division said these products are the result of 10 years of research and development.

The perfect bed costs between $3,000 and $20,000 depending on options.

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