
Why blockchain technology is the future of supply chain and vendor management

BLockchain technology has been a disruptive force across a variety of industries, and its impact on the global economy will continue to grow as Bitcoin gains renewed attention as it hits new all-time highs. Importantly, cryptographic innovations will have significant implications for the digital transformation of both supply chains and vendor management.

Still not sure about the impact blockchain will have on the business world? According to Fortune Business Insights, this situation will grow from $17.57 billion in 2023 to $469.49 billion by 2030, with compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to be 59.9%.

This growth will push blockchain out of financial-based use cases and fundamentally change the way companies collaborate.

Collaboration between organizations brings unprecedented levels of trust and efficiency across the supply chain, giving ambitious companies a competitive advantage on a global scale.

Earn the rewards of blockchain-backed trust

Importantly, blockchain brings a new level of trust between trading partners and helps facilitate end-to-end visibility. Essentially, this brave new technological frontier will help solve supply chain problems faster and build better relationships among industry players.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchains are built on a consensus mechanism, so changes must be verified by the network. This provides a much more immutable framework that provides an unprecedented level of transparency across the entire supply chain.

At the heart of blockchain-based trust are smart contracts, which operate as self-executing programs that automate contracts and actions required by them. Once these actions are performed, they are completely traceable and irreversible. This means that blockchain provides a clear breakdown of contracts and their terms.

Smart contracts enhance supplier relationship management by ensuring product uniformity regardless of manufacturing location.

“Each key data point is written directly to the blockchain,” explains Sunil Thomas, President and COO of TraceOne. “If specifications are not met, the problematic batches are discarded and used for other purposes.”

Because smart contracts are executed only when conditions are met, they can bring many benefits to different industries and for different purposes. In the food industry, smart contracts can be a great quality control tool to measure customer expectations for raw materials and manage food waste.

In the unlikely event of contamination, blockchain records make it possible to trace the origin of food in seconds, rather than days to disrupt the supply chain.

This has the practical benefit of reducing the impact of defective products. When a substandard component or product is detected, blockchain allows companies and their supply chain partners to track the product, identify the suppliers involved, and track all production and shipping batches related to the defective component. You can identify and recall problematic components. There is a risk of greater financial damage.

Simplify logistics

Effective supply chains depend on efficient logistics and inventory management, and blockchain technology can help provide a more comprehensive view of factors such as product location, status, and availability.

Incorporate smart contracts into your operations to provide an unprecedented level of precision in business logistics by automating inventory replenishment, triggering orders based on predetermined conditions, and coordinating strategies across parties. can do.

Because blockchain can operate in parallel with real-time information, businesses can leverage Internet of Things (IoT) devices for more informed decision-making processes when it comes to managing inventory levels, transportation routes, and delivery schedules. This means that customer satisfaction can be improved. Avoid the risk of popular products being out of stock and have better control.

Blockchain and IoT

Effective management of logistics will become increasingly essential for businesses as supply chain disruptions become increasingly common in the post-pandemic situation, amid news of Suez and Panama Canal difficulties and further complications due to climate change It has become.

This means that active, contextual inventory monitoring and self-executing smart contracts can trigger new shipping orders based on changes in customer demand flow and delivery forecasts, all without the need for human intervention. Masu.

Effectively vet vendors

The benefits of blockchain go beyond supply chain management and help organizations perform the due diligence necessary to accurately evaluate vendors and fully understand their products, services, and the potential business risks they pose. will be an excellent asset.

Because the necessary information is permanently recorded on the blockchain, users can gain valuable insight into a vendor’s previous relationships and activities, as well as third parties with which they may have interacted in the past.

Again, smart contracts can help with the due diligence process. For example, previous blockchain transactions can help expose vendors who violate an organization’s ESG policies. This automatically violates the terms of the smart contract and terminates the relationship before any damage is done.

Given the global distribution of supply chains, the challenge of monitoring the ESG credentials of every relationship a company establishes can be difficult. However, the immutable nature of blockchain allows him to highlight ESG discrepancies with unprecedented efficiency.

Naturally, there are already a number of software providers that allow businesses to manage vendors, perform invoicing tasks online, and manage payments.

As the blockchain environment matures, smart contracts will operate in parallel with these sophisticated vendor management systems to maximize vendor vetting and to better optimize payments based on pre-determined criteria. You can make it into

Building a scalable infrastructure

For companies looking to expand, more private and exclusive blockchains offer a much stronger level of functionality and security than public networks, and in the future, more ambitious companies will leverage private chains. This will encourage growth.

Making blockchain private can be an effective way to reduce supply chain risk and improve both transparency and security of sensitive data.

When it comes to scalability, it’s important to explore different blockchain IT frameworks. For public chains, scalable solutions include solutions like high-capacity layer 1 and layer 2 blockchains.

Importantly, layer 1 chains increase transaction throughput, but this feature comes at the cost of true decentralization. However, Layer 2 is a scaling solution built on top of Layer 1 that bundles transactions before sending them back to Layer 1. In a nutshell, this helps maintain a level of decentralization to ensure that the chain is immutable.

However, private chains are more functional when it comes to scalability. Permitted participants can leverage high-performance hardware and simplified consensus mechanisms to facilitate on-chain transactions. Additionally, each industry will be able to choose the supply chain network that best suits their needs.

For example, if you want a public chain, you can leverage layer 1 and 2 protocols to facilitate more effective scaling. If a private, permissioned chain is required, network usage should be able to determine the chain’s more bespoke needs and its growth prospects.

Capitalize on future growth

The continued emergence of blockchain as a $469 billion industry will directly benefit the supply chains of organizations across a wide range of industries, with use cases expanding far beyond finance.

This will help leverage more growth opportunities for organizations that are ready to harness the power of technology.

This is where you can benefit from process standardization and automation, allowing more companies to become more compliant and efficient, and automate more time-consuming tasks.

Importantly, the era of smart contracts will not only bring higher levels of trust, but will also help more companies make sustainable ESG efforts and vet vendors with unprecedented ease.

While blockchain may be recognized as a transformative force in the financial world today, there is no doubt that it will become a critical tool for organizations in a much wider range of industries tomorrow.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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