Legal tech, AI, big data, online courts

This article is over 4 years old.

Is it possible that companies that fail to use artificial intelligence (AI) could be accused of legal malpractice in the future? Yes, they are. Today, artificial intelligence provides solutions that solve, or at least improve, the problem of access to justice and completely transform the traditional legal system. Here’s what you need to know about how AI, big data, and online courts are changing the legal system.

future of law

The future of legal services Discussing the future of law and lawyers with the world’s most cited author, Captain Richard Susskind of the British Empire, reveals just how profound changes the justice system will face over the next decade Became. Thanks to the innovations brought about by artificial intelligence and big data.

in Richard’s book the future of law, Published in 1996, he predicted that in the future, lawyers and clients would communicate by email. This revelation was shocking at the time, especially to those involved in the legal system. However, sending communications by email is now commonplace for attorneys and their clients. This story provides insight into the challenges faced in bringing a traditionally conservative legal system into his 21st century.cent century.

in his brand new book Online courts and the future of justice, Richard argues that technology will bring a fascinating decade of change to the legal field and transform the court system. Automation of our old ways of working will play a part in this, but more importantly, artificial intelligence and technology will help give more people access to justice.

Current access to justice issues are significant, even in what is generally considered a mature system. In fact, only about 46% have access to the legal system. Some court systems have unimaginable backlogs. For most of us, litigation costs a lot of time and money. We can leverage technology to solve this problem and move legal resolution online, making the courtroom a service rather than a place.

Some of the technology that enables this transition is very basic.

The first generation is the idea that people using the court system submit evidence and arguments to judges online or through some form of electronic communication. Basically, sentencing will be moved from the courtroom to online. In a digital society, we should be able to establish extended courts with some kind of diagnostic system to provide legal options, evidence gathering, and alternative ways of resolving disputes beyond the judgments of judges.

The second generation of people using technology to transform the legal system is what Richard calls “consequences thinking,” using technology to resolve disputes without the need for lawyers or the traditional court system. It is quite possible that in a relatively short period of time we will see systems that can use predictive analytics to predict the outcome of court decisions based on past decisions. Instead of waiting for a court date (and the support of the traditional legal system), people have the option of using machine learning systems to predict the likely outcome of a case and accepting it as a binding decision. If so, imagine it.

Some of the biggest obstacles to online court systems are the political will to bring about such changes, the support of judges and lawyers, funding, and the way we apply them. For example, you need to decide whether to use online systems only for specific cases or situations.

After all, we have a serious problem with access to justice. Technology helps us improve our outcomes and provides people with ways to resolve public disputes in ways that were not possible before. Although this transformation will not solve all difficulties with the legal system and access to justice issues, it could bring about dramatic improvements.

future of lawyers

Traditionally, technology in the legal system has focused on supporting lawyers and their staff with some tasks, such as email, accounting systems, and word processing. We are now beginning to see the benefits of using technology to automate some tasks such as document analysis and document creation, essentially moving them from the back office to the front office.

One of our biggest struggles in the future of the legal profession is law of the century, what we need is 21 years oldcent-Century Lawyers meets the demands of businesses and individuals seeking low-cost legal options that are conveniently available and delivered electronically.

Some legal tasks that were previously unthinkable can now be performed by machines. Large-scale disputes often involve a large number of documents to analyze. Typically, an army of young lawyers and paralegals is mobilized to scrutinize these documents. A properly trained machine can take over this task. Machine-based document creation is also becoming more common. Systems that can predict the outcome of conflicts are also emerging. Machines are beginning to take over many tasks that were previously thought to be the exclusive role of lawyers.

Tomorrow’s lawyers will be those who develop systems to solve their clients’ problems. These legal experts include legal knowledge engineers, legal risk managers, systems development, and design thinking experts. These people will develop new ways to solve legal problems with the help of technology. In many ways, the legal field is as digital as any other industry and is so document-intensive that it is actually an industry poised to benefit greatly from what technology has to offer. is.

Richard believes that over the next decade, machines and lawyers will work hand in hand, and some jobs will be replaced by machines. He believes technology will eventually change the legal system and, by extension, the work of lawyers, as it allows people to solve problems in new ways. For example, he predicts that in the future there will be far fewer cases heard in traditional courts, and therefore less need for lawyers to represent clients in court. Lawyers have the choice of competing with these systems or helping build them. Richard certainly advises on the latter.

You can watch the conversation with Professor Richard Susskind here.

Online courts and the future of justice: A conversation with Professor Richard Susskind

The Future of Layers: The Impact of Legal Tech, AI, Big Data, and Online Courtrooms

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