
ClickUp 3.0 Pros, Cons and Full Test

Setup using ClickUp

ClickUp offers a variety of services Preset project management templates based on 9 different organizational units Includes finance, marketing, operations, and IT. You can also create custom project templates, and there’s a workflow designer available with all plans to help you visualize and organize all the automations you’ve built. Torero, Monday.comand Basecamp do not offer this feature and therefore did not perform as well in this evaluation area.

Importing project data in ClickUp 3.0 is very easy. To test this, our test group created a task list consisting of several stages of website building. For testing, I told ClickUp that I was using an Excel/CSV file, answered the setup questions, and then imported the data by clicking the corresponding button that appears in the bottom right corner of the interface. . It only took 4 minutes.

Our test group found it very difficult to import data into things like: smart seat, With ClickUp, this is a very easy process. The software identifies cells in the file that contain headings and matches them to fields in ClickUp (it also provides a custom field option if the cell doesn’t match an existing field).

Import project data into clickup.  During the testing process for

Importing and classifying project data in ClickUp. Image: testing process.

This import process eliminates the need to manually enter task names. ClickUp Intelligent Analytics This means that my document is mostly formatted correctly once the upload is complete.However, I had to type some Set deadlines manually – ClickUp cannot seem to convert text dates (i.e. September 24, 2024) to numbered dates (09/24/2024). But this didn’t set me back much.

Project views and layouts

ClickUp has details folders and spaces hierarchy This allows companies with multiple teams and sub-teams to organize their work in one place without confusion. First is “space”. ClickUp provides a space titled “Everything” where you can view all your ongoing projects.

The software then says “team space” can contain multiple projects. In testing, we renamed this space to “Web Team” and the imported project data was located under it. This is obviously designed to be very simple and easy to understand, so minimal Googling or reading is required to organize your space.

You can then add different project views to the top menu bar. Gantt chart, kanban boardtable view, and list view. In list and table views, you can continue to add columns, such as a “progress” bar that changes as subtasks are completed, or a status column that connects to a kanban board.

Assign tasks in ClickUp

Assigning tasks in ClickUp’s list view. Image: testing process.

All project data entered during setup is accessible in any view at any time. you change one thing (Similar to creating statuses in board view) This will result in Change information in other viewsThings like list views never get out of sync.

There are some nice signs subtle intelligence In ClickUp’s software – For example, during testing, I created a board view column called “Signoff,” so ClickUp made it the last column and included a check box that I could see in the board view.

Kanban board view in ClickUp

ClickUp’s Kanban board. Image: testing process.

ClickUp includes: Team view options Not all competitors offer mode“Where you can Show only your tasksuseful if you want to reduce on-screen noise caused by other people working in the same space.

Managing tasks using ClickUp

Managing tasks in Clickup is very easy. Just click on a task and ClickUp will take you to a separate task can Add files instantly anything related to the task under the description box, Assign to team member, add a subtask. From there, you will be asked to generate subtasks and actions using the platform’s AI tools. Like ChatGPT, it’s not perfect, but it certainly helps.

ClickUp's AI tools generate task descriptions

Generate task descriptions using ClickUp’s AI tools. Image: testing process.

One of the suggestions made for my task description was to change it to subtasks, but you could also do the following: Easily add subtasks yourself It is also located in the subtask area. You can then click on each sub-item to edit deadlines, etc. AI helps here too, generating subtasks based on the main task description.

While most of our test group found task management in ClickUp easy, it was the task dependency tool that annoyed us. It took me quite a bit of searching to find it, but I ended up searching on Google. It was hidden in a small menu to the right of the task box.

Add due dates to subtasks

Add deadlines to subtasks in ClickUp. Image: testing process.

So it’s easy to see why ClickUp scores 4.6/5 for overall functionality and 4.7/5 for task management, given its large number of features, but not all of them are easy to find. As you can see from the image, there are buttons all over the interface and it’s not as tidy as others.

Automate your workflow with ClickUp

Workflow adjustments, custom and pre-built automations (photo below) is available for all click up plan – Yes, but The action limit is 100 actions per month on the free plan and 1,000 actions per month on the unlimited plan.. As mentioned above, ClickUp’s workflow creation score is 4.3/5, the highest of the 10 providers we tested.

Creating automations in ClickUp is very easy. Below is an example of automation we built while testing our software. Change task assignments When the status of that task changes to “Final Check”.

Building automation with ClickUp

Build simple automations with ClickUp. Image: testing process.

However, similar to task management, It seems a little difficult to choose. Building automation is one of the most difficult tasks in project management software, and sometimes the avalanche of options doesn’t help.

Viewing project data with ClickUp

All ClickUp plans use preset charts and widgets to Display your project data like a pro. From the business plan onward, custom Create charts and generate custom widgets, Too. Additionally, with the free plan, you can use the data display dashboard as many times as you like, which can only be used up to 100 times.

Build data dashboards with ClickUp.

Dashboard built with ClickUp. Image: testing process.

Dashboards are effective, but they’re not perfect. When we tested this platform in 2022, one of the issues we had with the chart creator was the inability to retrieve data from custom fields.However, this One of many improvements made of clickup 3.0.

While software like Asana automatically populates the initial dashboard, ClickUp actually provides the following functionality: considerable amount of instruction This aspect of the software allows you to choose from three templates. “Simple” Dashboards, Reporting Dashboards, Dashboard for time tracking. However, you can also choose from a wide range of other dashboard templates, including a variety of dashboard templates. agile team:

Click-up dashboard options for sprint teams

ClickUp’s dashboard template for agile teams running sprints. Image: testing process.

ClickUp’s data visualization score is 4.8/5 and its wide range of features Preset charts and widget templates The only true match is Asana. However, it is not as visually appealing as these two. However, creating custom charts and widgets is easy. I found his ClickUp to be much easier than Smartsheet or Zoho Projects.

However, you can add burndown charts. This is useful for agile teams working on projects that require continuous development.

Collaborate with teammates within ClickUp

A few years ago, if you had asked me to name ClickUp’s weakness, it would have been collaboration. However, in our latest test, he achieved an improvement of 4.7/5 when it comes to collaboration. ClickUp is online whiteboard It can be used to brainstorm ideas, and all plans also have team messenger and document editing features.

You can easily add files related to a task and comment on the task in the activity column on the right. Show history A record of what happened to the task.In other words, it’s transcendental easy to catch up Up-to-date status of each task you are responsible for completing.

Comment on ClickUp tasks. Image: testing process.

ClickUp includes: Chat view You can add this to your top menu can add Any combination of team members You can access specific chats, making them similar to channels found in apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

ClickUp Chat View

ClickUp chat view. Image: testing process.

ClickUp’s 4.7/5 was the collaboration score it achieved among the 10 providers we recently tested in a fair way. The distant second score was just 3.3/5. In fact, ClickUp significantly improved his 4/5 collaboration score on his 2022 test. This is partly due to implementation. AI assistant Improvements to the aforementioned whiteboard tools.

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