
US investigates security risks of Chinese vehicles

The Biden administration on Thursday criticized the possible safety risks of Chinese-made vehicles, saying modern vehicles are packed with sensors, cameras and software that China could use for espionage or other malicious purposes. Published research on gender.

The study comes as Chinese automakers become more powerful in global markets, exporting large numbers of high-tech vehicles and posing new challenges for Western manufacturers.

Chinese-made vehicles are not yet widespread on U.S. roads, but they are becoming more common in Europe, Asia, and other markets.

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In launching the investigation, President Biden likened modern cars to smartphones, which collect vast amounts of data about drivers and their daily commutes and share it in the cloud.

“These cars are connected to our phones, navigation systems, critical infrastructure, and the companies that make them. China’s connected cars collect sensitive data about its citizens and infrastructure, and then share that data with the Chinese people. We could send them back to the Republic,” Biden said in a statement. “These vehicles can be remotely accessed or disabled. …Why should connected cars from China be allowed to drive in our country without safeguards?”

The Commerce Department-led investigation does not impose any immediate restrictions on the import or sale of Chinese-made vehicles, administration officials said on a call with reporters Wednesday night, speaking on condition of anonymity to review the investigation. But authorities have the power to ban or restrict sales if they find significant risks, they said.

Although many of the vehicles in question are electric, the issue is not their electric motors but the use of high-tech software, cameras and sensors that could be used to collect data or sabotage the vehicles, officials said. said.

The investigation could reflect a long-running U.S. campaign against Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, which the U.S. has accused of posing security risks to its communications infrastructure. The United States has banned the import and sale of Huawei’s communications network equipment and has asked its allies not to use it. Huawei has long accused the United States of using national security as an excuse to counter its globally competitive rivals.

Detroit automakers are sounding the alarm over the onslaught of Chinese cars on the global market. Ford CEO Jim Farley said Chinese automakers such as BYD pose the biggest competitive threat to the new electric vehicle market.

Recent reports that BYD and other Chinese manufacturers are seeking to locate factories in Mexico have raised concerns among U.S.-based automakers, and under the U.S.-created free trade area. , is concerned about these vehicles entering the U.S. market with few trade restrictions. The Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is the successor to NAFTA.

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Biden’s statement announcing the investigation emphasized his desire to protect American automakers. “This and other actions will ensure the future of the auto industry is built right here in the United States, with American workers,” he said.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said the investigation will determine whether the Commerce Department will take action under a Trump-era executive order that gave the president new authority to protect the nation’s information and communications technology from national security threats. said it would be helpful in making decisions.

“Imagine having thousands of Chinese cars on American roads that could be instantly disabled by someone in Beijing. It’s scary to think,” Raimondo told journalists. spoke on the phone. “We are doing [the investigation] Before Chinese-made cars become widespread in the United States and could pose a threat to national security. ”

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