
TAOST Club: Revolutionizing animation through blockchain

TAOST Entertainment has announced its latest initiative, TAOST Club, a blockchain-powered platform that will revolutionize the creation of animation and multimedia content. Scheduled to launch on April 8, TAOST Club aims to redefine the world of entertainment by providing creators, professionals, and enthusiasts around the world with a dynamic platform to shape the future of animation.

Platform for innovation

DNEG IXP Managing Director Joshua Mandel and DNEG Business Development Director Guanglai Jia praise the TAOST Club as a transformative force in animation production and global distribution. Powered by blockchain technology, the platform offers transparency, security, and efficiency, and caters to both emerging creators and established studios. Mr. Mandel and Mr. Jia expressed their excitement to collaborate with TAOST on future projects, highlighting the platform’s potential to foster innovation across a variety of creative endeavors.

Democratizing creativity

The TAOST Club aims to democratize the creative process by providing members with the opportunity to contribute, collaborate and influence the development of animation projects. Members can work on a variety of creative endeavors, from feature films and episodic series to multimedia ventures like social media short stories and graphic novels. Anyone can join, and users can choose to join the community for free or become members and actively participate in project development. Membership status is indicated by a unique “Soul Bound Token” (SBT), which symbolizes each user’s connection to projects within the digital ecosystem.

Ambitious goals and a collaborative spirit

The community is starting the journey with an ambitious goal, aiming to develop six animation projects in TAOST Club’s beta phase. These projects include a wide range of creative endeavors, including feature films, episodic series, and multimedia productions. To support this effort, TAOST has pledged his $1 million worth of cooperation, demonstrating its commitment to fostering creativity and innovation within the animation industry.

Pioneering changes in animation

Corey Smith, senior vice president of creative operations, animation and VFX at ReDefine (a DNEG company), emphasizes the importance of the TAOST Club in driving innovation within the animation industry. Smith praises the platform’s ability to enable transparency, security and efficiency in production and global distribution, highlighting its role as a catalyst for revolutionary change. He envisions the TAOST Club as a collaborative environment where projects can succeed based on the expertise of his TAOST community of professionals.

A common pursuit of creative excellence

Smith’s sentiments echo those shared by industry experts who see the TAOST Club as a catalyst for redefining animation through innovation and collaboration. By providing a nurturing environment for projects to evolve, the TAOST Club provides a platform where great creatives can thrive, guided by a common pursuit of innovation and collaboration.

In essence, TAOST Club emerges as a harbinger of change in the animation industry, ushering in a new era of creativity and collaboration powered by blockchain technology.

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