Emory + Georgia Tech AI.Humanity Seed Grant Winners Announced

Emory University and Georgia Tech have announced the first recipients of $100,000 in seed funding as part of their joint AI.Humanity Seed Grant Program..

AI.Humanity Seed Grant Program This is an extension of an existing partnership between the two universities built through Emory University. constructive conflict I started programming earlier this year. Grant recipients will use the funding to foster new research collaborations and expand existing partnerships to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to improve society and the quality of human life. Projects may incorporate research including, but not limited to, aspects such as ethical and social considerations in AI data, social justice, and health disparities or bias.

The winning proposal was selected from more than a dozen applications across both universities. The AI.Humanity Seed Grant recipients are:

Photo of Marcela Benitez (left) and Jacob Abernethy

Marcela Benitez (Emory University, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology) Jacob Abernethy (Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science) for a proposal titled “AI Forest: Cognition in the Wild.” In the proposed study, Benitez and Abernethy plan to develop and deploy a “smart” testing station for long-term cognitive assessment and monitoring of wild capuchin monkeys in Costa Rica’s Taboga Forest Reserve. These testing stations utilize AI and deep machine learning to recognize and track monkeys in the wild in real time, enabling targeted behavioral assessments and cognitive testing. These stations also provide new methods for long-term monitoring of cognitive performance in wild animals. In doing so, the team achieves an unprecedented level of control in a wild environment, providing several research opportunities that link cognitive abilities to natural behavior and ultimately overall fitness.

Photo of Lance Waller (left) and John Taylor

lance waller (Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics) John Taylor (Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering) received this award for their proposal titled “Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Epidemiological Models Considering Urban Infrastructure Networks, Human Behavior Change, and Policy Interventions.” . This project investigates emerging infectious diseases that can be dangerous and require a rapid public health response, but can be difficult to model, especially in the early stages of a potential outbreak. Masu. Of particular interest in the research proposed by the research team is the characteristics of urban infrastructure networks (e.g. transportation networks), which increase the density of communication networks, change their order and structure, and increase the ability of communities to function during epidemics. Disease transmission is often accelerated. The research team extends epidemiological models to understand the complex role of regional differences in contact networks and human-to-human, human-to-infrastructure interactions in shaping disease transmission, human behavior change, and policy interventions in metropolitan areas. We propose to incorporate the dynamic nature of interaction networks. The goal of this project is to provide more accurate results than homogeneous mixture models and remain computationally viable to guide rapid policy decisions.

Photo of Marcos Scheckter (left) and Rosa Arriaga

marcos scheckter (Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine) and Rosa Arriaga (Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Interactive Computing) for a proposal titled “Diabetic Ulcer Computational Sensing System (DUCSS)”. Schechter and Arriaga explore computational approaches to detecting changes in diabetic foot ulcers through a model that analyzes and interprets disparate data and provides his AI-driven interface to connect patients and clinicians You will co-lead a team of co-researchers. The team’s proposed human-centered computational sensing system fills current gaps and automates wound screening and monitoring by characterizing ulcer severity and wound progression, and predicting wound healing and recurrence. This will be a clinical issue to be tackled. Additionally, the team will focus on underserved and minority communities to advance technology to reduce disparities. The pilot proposal would enroll people in underserved communities at Grady Memorial Hospital, a public hospital where more than 250 people are admitted each year with diabetic foot ulcers.

Deborah Bruner, Emory’s senior vice president of research, commented on the continued collaboration: “These teams are partnering to revolutionize AI and advance equity and improvements in the overall quality of human life,” Bruner said. “These are exciting times for the research departments at Emory Tech and Georgia Tech. Congratulations to each winning team.”

Learn more about Emory’s AI.Humanity Initiative.

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