Elon Musk and other tech leaders call for pause on ‘out of control’ AI race


Some of the biggest tech companies are calling on artificial intelligence research institutes to halt training of their most powerful AI systems for at least six months, citing “grave risks to society and humanity.”

Elon Musk was among the dozens. Technology leaders, professors and researchers signed the letter, which was published by the Future of Life Institute, a nonprofit backed by Musk.

This letter comes just two weeks after OpenAI announced GPT-4. A more powerful version of the technology behind our viral AI chatbot tools, Chat GPT. Early tests and corporate demos have shown the technology drafts lawsuits, passes standardized tests, and builds working websites from hand-drawn sketches.

The letter said the suspension should apply to AI systems “more powerful than GPT-4.” It also said independent experts should use the proposed moratorium to jointly develop and implement a set of shared protocols for AI tools that are secure “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

“Advanced AI has the potential to profoundly change the history of life on Earth and should be planned and managed with due care and resources,” the letter said. “Unfortunately, this level of planning and control is not happening. In recent months, the AI ​​Institute has been working to develop and deploy more powerful digital minds that no one, not even their creators, can understand. You’re in a race that’s out of control.”, predict, or definitely control. ”

The letter said that if a moratorium is not implemented soon, governments will need to step in and institute moratoriums.

The increased attention surrounding ChatGPT late last year reignited an arms race among technology companies to develop and implement similar AI tools into their products. OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google are at the forefront of this trend, but IBM, Amazon, Baidu, and Tencent are also working on similar technologies. Many startups are also developing AI writing assistants and image generators.

Artificial intelligence experts are increasingly concerned about AI tools’ potential for biased responses, their ability to spread misinformation, and their impact on consumer privacy. These tools also raise questions about how AI could upend professions, enable student cheating, and change our relationship with technology.

The letter signals widespread discomfort within and outside the industry with the rapid advances in AI. Some governing bodies in China, the EU, and Singapore have so far introduced early versions of AI governance frameworks.

Correction: An earlier version of this article said Microsoft founder Bill Gates and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman signed the letter. The executives were initially listed as signatories, but the nonprofit organization behind the letter later removed their names.

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