Millions of dollars in technology, data budget for Los Angeles County

One of the largest counties in the country is still in the formative stages of its final 2023-2024 budget, but the potential for technology initiatives and IT spending is already becoming clearer.

According to the budget area on Los Angeles County’s website, it has approximately 10 million residents, which is more than many states. And its multibillion-dollar budget is “larger than Kansas, Montana, and Vermont combined.” Additionally, as of this writing, a budget of $43.4 billion was adopted in June and is currently being finalized. The main points are as follows.

  • Technology is not directly referenced in the recommended departmental budgets. The County’s Information Technology Services (ITS) Department is housed within the Internal Services Department (ISD). Internal Services has a recommended budget of $772.6 million and 2,156 positions. (All numbers are rounded off.)
  • A June 26 letter from county CEO Fethia Davenport to county supervisors highlights recommended adjustments to the 2023-24 budget and says more about technology. It is being The budget allocates $10.4 million in state funds to the Department of Aging and Disabilities, according to the letter. This funding provides personal computers, internet access, education, training, and support for seniors and adults with disabilities. The goal is to increase social connections and increase confidence when interacting with digital and online resources.
  • Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $306.5 billion amendment to the 2023-24 budget proposed in May pursues security upgrades and electronic benefit transfers despite an expected $31.5 billion shortfall. was expected to maintain and protect the county’s investments and commitments, including the provision of $50 million for (EBT) card technology to prevent theft of EBT benefits. Lawmakers then approved a slightly larger $310.8 billion state budget on June 27, which Newsom signed.
  • In the health services area, the county’s recommended budget includes $4.5 million to implement projects and initiatives such as “improving clinic workflows using clinical data collected from various systems.” and 18 people in a clinical informatics staffing position aimed at optimizing the use of technology in patient care. The Department of Human Resources is recommended for $259,000 and an additional senior data scientist to develop and analyze metrics for countywide efforts to advance data-driven decision-making.
  • The County’s recommended budget initiatives for internal services include $3.3 million for Cyber ​​Governance and Operations Services (in-fund transfer and $602,000 from revenue). Enhance the security of email scanning and mailbox monitoring. It also has $2 million in shared services ($1.7 million from in-fund transfers and $368,000 from revenue). $564,000 for a Strategic Asset Management System (SAMS), one IT specialist position, and one lead application developer to transition SAMS management from AECOM and Brand New Box to the County.

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